RECON 2024

APR. 25th – 28th, 2024
Wyndham Orlando Resort & Conference Center Celebration Area
3011 Maingate Lane, Kissimmee, Florida 3474
Theme: Rapid Deployment Forces
Troops parachuting out of aircraft, deployed by glider, or helo-dropped into engagements is a 20th century innovation into warfare. There are earlier examples of the RDF, each Mongol soldier of the khan would keep a stable of 3 or 4 horses, so switch as one got tired, appearing to move armies at a supernatural pace. New England Colonial Militia were know as Minutemen, who surprised British commanders by deploying quickly and being more mobile than regular units. Looking back farther, Viking raiders would appear in their shallow draft clinker built longships where they were not expected. Games playing speculative future wargames may have space deployed or even teleported troops! As always have fun with the theme.
Registration, Game submission, and Vendors open in Jan 2024
We plan a flea market, tournaments, Miniatures, and the vendor hall!
as always check here at HMGS-SOUTH.COM for the registration links